А. В. КУПРИЯНОВ Санкт-Петербург, Россия;
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И.А. ЗАХАРОВ-ГЕЗЕХУС Институт общей генетики РАН, Москва, Россия;
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ЖОРЕС МЕДВЕДЕВ. Опасная профессия
A Dangerous Occupation ZHORES MEDVEDEV London, UK;
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Authobiographical essay which covers period 1938–1950. It presents some episodes of Stalin’s terror of 1937–1938 and of Great Patriotic War (1941–1945). Author gives some pictures of student life in 1944–1950, his meeting with T.D. Lysenko and the consequences of the illfamous “August Session” of the Lenin Academy of agricultural sciences in 1948, which started long period of domination of pseudo science in Soviet biology.…
WILLIAM DEJONG-LAMBERT. The Uses of the Dead in the Science of Life: A Thanatology of Lysenkoism
WILLIAM DEJONG-LAMBERT Columbia University, City University of New York; New York, USA;
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This article applies U.S. anthropologist Katherine Verdery’s analysis of the animation of the dead in East European politics, to a historical study of Lysenkoism. Verdery convincingly described the use of those who have passed away to influence current events, and the interpretation of history, in Eastern Europe. Verdery focused on the practices of commemoration and reburial. While these are important…
VALERY N. SOYFER. Stalin and Fighters Against Cellular Theory
VALERY N. SOYFER George Mason University, Fairfax, USA An illustrative example of the intervention of the Soviet totalitarian regime in science is the promotion of an old Bolshevik, Olga Lepeshinskaya, who declared that she proved the creation of new cells from noncellular ‛Living’ :matter and insisted that the well- established Cell Theory should be rejected as erroneous. Although many leading biologists criticized her statements, Stalin personally supported her views and people like T.…
ARTURO ARGUETA VILLAMAR Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México;
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QUETZAL ARGUETA PRADO Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, México;
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Nikolai I. Vavilov came to Mexico in 1930 and in 1932. In 1925 his working team visited the country in advance, where they contacted Alfonso L. Herrera and began work with Maximino Martínez, who was appointed by the Biological Studies Direction to accompany the Soviet Scientifi c Commission. Vavilov's research…
Б.И. БАРАБАНЩИКОВ Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, Казань, Россия;
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А.И. ЕРМОЛАЕВ Санкт-Петербургский филиал Института истории естествознания и техники им. С.И. Вавилова РАН, Санкт-Петербург, Россия;
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С 1948 г. в Казанском государственном университете, как и в других вузах страны, становится привычным непомерное возвеличивание имен И.В. Мичурина и Т.Д. Лысенко. Одновременно прошли кампании шельмования и увольнения ряда сотрудников биологического факультета, чья научная деятельность так или иначе касалась вопросов наследственности. В первую очередь это Н.А.…
PIOTR KÖHLER. Botany and Lysenkoism in Poland
PIOTR KÖHLER The Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland;
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The main reason for the emergence of Lysenkoism in Polish science was linked to Polish dependence on the Soviet Union. Not only was Lysenkoism implemented by virtue of administrative pressure, but it was also propagated at several conferences (i.e. Warsaw 1949, Kuźnice 1950/51, Dziwnów 1952, Kortowo 1953 and 1955). Nevertheless, only a few botanists published works on Lysenkoism, out of whom, few in number made…
ALEXEI V. KOUPRIANOV. From the Selective Reading of Darwin's Works to the Transmutation of Species
ALEXEI V. KOUPRIANOV National Research University — Higher School of Economics, St. Petersburg, Russia;
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The paper focuses on the evolution of the relationship between the Michurinist biology, Darwinism, and Lamarckism in the 1930–50s. The argument is based on the analysis of citation practices in Lysenkoist periodicals and programmatic statements of Lysenko and his close associates. It is proposed to consider “Darwinism” primarily as a contested identity marker, not a certain more or…
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