Главная Институт Семинар Career Development in Academia

Четверг, 05 Июля 2012 00:00

Семинар Career Development in Academia

5-6 июля Центр социолого-науковедческих исследований СПбФ ИИЕТ РАН совместно с European Sociological Association и Sociology of Science and Technology Network проводят семинар Career Development in Academia.


Программа семинара:




European Sociological Association (ESA)

Sociology of Science and Technology Network (SSTNET)


Centre for Sociology of Science and Science Studies, Institute for the History of Science and Technology (IHST) of the Russian Academy of Sciences






Career  Development in Academia

St. Petersburg, 5 - 6 July, 2012



Workshop program


Workshop organizing and selection committee


Nadia Asheulova ● Centre for Sociology of Science and Science Studies, IHST, RAS (Russia)

Katarina Prpić ● Institute for Social Research of Zagreb (Croatia)

Harald Rohracher ● Institute for advanced studies on science, technology and society (Austria)

Aaro Tupasela ● University of Helsinki (Finland)



The Workshop is organised with financial support from ESA and the Presidium of St Petersburg Scientific Centre of RAS


Thursday 5th of July 2012



9.30 - 10.00         Opening and welcome: Yuri Baturin, Director of the IHST, Russian Academy of


Nadia Asheulova, Organizing Committee Chair


10.00 - 11.0         Keynote address: Paul Wouters, University of Leiden


11.00 - 11.30      Coffee break


11.30 – 13.00     Session one:

Academic careers – theoretical and comparative perspectives

Chair: Katarina Prpić


1. Izabela Wagner (Poland)

From ethnography to theory - new propositions in the research of careers: Coupling career, hidden career and transmobility

2. Maria Safonova & Mikhail Sokolov (Russia)

The decline of academic patronage networks: An exploratory comparative study


3. Fochler, Maximilian (Austria)

Lines of scientific life: Tracing scientists’ career narratives as an intertwinement of epistemic, institutional, societal (and many other) lines

4. Waaijer, Cathelijn J.F. (The Netherlands)

Issues in career policy in science as identified by Nature and Science editorials


13.00 – 14.00     Lunch


14.00 – 15.30     Session two:


Science system as the organizational framework of career development

Chair: Aaro Tupasela


1. Kivinen, Osmo & Hedman, Juha (Finland)

From university rankings to field-specific ratings of productivity of research: An input-output analysis of top-300 universities in the fields of natural sciences, technology and clinical medicine from 13 countries


2. Van Arensbergen, Pleun & Van den Besselaar, Peter (The Netherlands)

How evident is talent? The assessment of scientific talent in the allocation of research grants


3. Jokić, Maja; Letina Srebrenka & Zauder, Krešimir (Croatia)

The influence of the system of evaluation on the scientific career as measured by scientometric indicators: The example of Croatia


4. Romanienko, Lisa A. (Poland)

Commercial and cultural distortions of knowledge production in Poland: Can Hofstede and Bourdieu salvage innovation and creativity in S&T?


15.30 - 16.00      Coffee break


16.00 – 17.30     Session three:


Academic career development in changing social context

Chair: Nadia Asheulova


1. Popova, Irina (Russia)

Academic careers:  Factors of development and turning points in the context of reforms in Russia


2. Carvalho, Teresa ; Branco Sousa, Sofia; Cardoso, Sónia (Portugal)

Changes in the institutional context and academic profession – A case from Portugal


3. Suleymanov, Abulfaz D. (Azerbaijan)

Sociological analysis of the transformation of higher education in Azerbaijan in terms of the Bologna process


4. Alakhverdyan, A.G. & Zheltova, E.L.  (Russia)

The transformation of Soviet science into Russian science: Old and new trends of personnel policy



Friday 6th of July 2012


9.30 -11.00          Session four:

Scientific beginners - early academic careers

Chair: Nadia Asheulova


1. Müller, Ruth (Austria)

Expect the worst and strive for the best:  Postdocs, career work and the affective governance of socio-epistemic relations in life science research groups


2. Groenvynck, Hans & Vandevelde, Karen (Belgium)

The Ph.D. track: Who succeeds, who drops out?


3. Brajdić Vuković, Marija (Croatia)

Mentoring of young natural and social scientist in Croatia


4. Marques, Ana Paula & Moreira, Rita (Portugal)

How the academia can (or not) change my life? Portraits of entrepreneurship potential among Portuguese’ graduates


11.00 - 11.30      Coffee break

11.30 – 13.00     Session five:


Human resources in academia

Chair: Katarina Prpić


1. Rosa, Alexandra & Bento, Sofia (Portugal)

Swapping the pipette by the e-mail: New science careers in Portugal: An exploratory study


2. Kumar, Naresh (India)

A comparative pattern of enrolment and PH. D. produced in India


3. Mandal, Kasturi & Banerjee, P. (India)

Research training in India: A city based analysis


4. Jiménez, Jaime; Escalante, Juan Carlos; Rodríguez, Carlos; Morales-Arroyo, Miguel Ángel


A non-linear model for career development in academia


13.00 – 14.00     Lunch

14.00 – 16.00     Session six:

Career development and national context

Chair: Aaro Tupasela



1. Asheulova, Nadia & Dushina, Svetlana (Russia)

Research career development in Russia: The role of international mobility


2. Cruz-Castro, Laura; Alva, Kenedy and Sanz-Menéndez, Luis (Spain)

Academic career and tenure in Spanish Universities


3. Groboljšek, Blanka; Mali, Franc; Ferligoj, Anuška; Kronegger, Luka; Pustovrh, Toni (Slovenia)

The collaboration practices of Slovenian scientists and researchers


4. Prpić, Katarina & Petrović, Nikola (Croatia)

Can bibliometric data misevaluate sociologists' and political scientists' productivity impact and misdirect their career prospects?


5. Monastyrska, Galina V. (Ukraine)

Motives and incentives in a scientist’s career


16.00 – 17.15 Session seven

Gender differences in academic career development

Chair: Nadia Asheulova


1. Sagebiel, Felizitas (Germany)

Academic women leaders and their potentials as gendered organisational change agents


2. Te Kaat, Adriana; Vandevelde, Karen & Van Rossem, Ronan (Belgium)

Gender differences in the interest of Flemish students for research careers and scientific careers

3. Zinovyeva, Natalia & Bagues, Manuel (Spain)

Does gender matter for academic promotion? Evidence from a randomized natural experiment


17.15 – 17.30     Closing remarks: Katarina Prpić, SSTNET Chair


Полезные ссылки

Наука и техника. Выпуск XXXVI (2020). «Ученый и эпоха: к 170-летию со дня рождения Н.И. Кареева и С.В. Ковалевской»
Самоорганизация российской науки в годы кризиса: 1917–1922. Колчинский Э.И., Синельникова Е.Ф.
Научные и инженерные общества Петербурга: история и современность. К 150-летию РТО
Предопределенность и неожиданность (2020) – Кавуненко Л.Ф., Велентейчик Т.Н.
Ученые в сетях «открытой науки» (2019) — Душина С. А., Куприянов В. А., Хватова Т. Ю.
Białowieża Primeval Forest: Nature and Culture in the Nineteenth Century (2020)
Коллективная монография «Науки производить и совершить» (2019)
Проблемы деятельности ученого и научных коллективов. Выпуск XXXV (2019)
Наука и техника. Выпуск XXXV (2019). «Научный Санкт-Петербург: К 295-летию Российской академии наук»
Проблемы деятельности ученого и научных коллективов. Выпуск XXXIV (2018).
Наука и техника. Выпуск XXXIV (2018). «Международные сети как фактор интеграции научного сообщества»
Наука и техника. Выпуск XXXIII (2017). «Наука и революция (к 100-летию революции 1917 г. в России)»
Ученые и Великая Отечественная война (2016). Материалы круглого стола в рамках XXXVI годичной международной научной конференции «Советская наука и техника в годы Великой Отечественной войны (к 70-летию Великой Победы)»
Проблемы деятельности ученого и научных коллективов. Выпуск XXXIII (2017). Материалы XXX сессии Международной школы социологии науки и технологий.
Наука и техника. Вып. XXXI. «Советская наука и техника в годы Великой Отечественной войны (к 70-летию Великой Победы)». 2015
Российское изучение Центральной Азии: исторические и современные аспекты (к 150-летию П.К. Козлова). СПб., 2014
Лоскутова М.В., Федотова А.А. Становление прикладных биологических исследований в России
Бюро по прикладной ботанике в годы Первой мировой войны: сборник документов. СПб, 2014
A. Andreyev. The Myth of the Masters Revived. Brill Academic Publishers, 2014
(Re)searching Scientific Careers. 2014