Главная Институт Сотрудники «Социология науки и технологий» MOHSIN U. KHAN. Problems of technology transfer from CSIR laboratories to industry and policy issues in India and Korea

Понедельник, 07 Апреля 2014 17:52

MOHSIN U. KHAN. Problems of technology transfer from CSIR laboratories to industry and policy issues in India and Korea




Zaheer Science Foundation, NewDelhi, India, e-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript


This paper is an attempt to review the development of indigenous technology in India and Korea over the last forty years. It identifies the problems of technology transfer that the Indian national laboratories are facing. Indian technology does not have strong linkages with the industry with the result the utilization of the research is limited. Protection to domestic industry has been given so long that India could not catch up advances abroad. Whereas Korea made tremendous progress over the years because of its target oriented export policy. Korea became world leader in Semiconductor and left India far behind. On the other hand for India situation became worst after sudden liberalization during 1991 when the import of technology became liberal and indigenous technology had to compete with the mighty multinationals. Some of the industries vanished from the market due to tough competition. This is the high time that India should drastically change her research priorities to face the liberalization. What is required, that India should concentrate on areas where it has build up capabilities and excellence over the years, like software industry in computers. Secondly India should establish strong linkages with the industry to make value additions in the imported technologies.


Keywords: science, technology, CSIR laboratories, National Development Research Corporation, technology transfer.



Проблемы передачи технологий от лабораторий Совета по научным и индустриальным исследованиям промышленности и политические вопросы в Индии и Корее

Хан Мохсин У.


Zaheer Science Foundation


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