Tatiana Feklova. Expedition of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Study of China in the first half of the XIX Century, the documentary-organizational aspects
Phd, Institute for the History of Science and Technology named after Sergey I. Vavilov, St Petersburg Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg; Russia, e-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
This article shows, by means of several examples, how the Academy of science implemented its expeditionary programs actively collaborate with various agencies, companies and academic institutions both within the country and abroad. The joint expeditions were one of the forms of the mutual cooperation. Thanks this cooperation the Academy of Sciences could to conduct research in remote or enclosed areas to researchers (the Caucasus, Central Asia, and China).
Keywords: Russian Academy of Sciences, China, expeditions, first half of the XIX century, documentary aspects.
Феклова Т. Ю.
Экспедиция Российской академии наук и изучение Китая в первой половине XIX в.: организационные и административные аспекты