Показать содержимое по тегу: functionalism
A. KING. The International mobility of Scientists: Sociological Approach (An example of the United States of America)
PhD, Adjunct Professor
at Salt Lake Community College, Utah, the USA
axanaking@yahoo.com aking51@mymail.slcc.edu
This Paper is an attempt to analyze wide spread immigration of scientists from the lenses of three main sociological perspectives: functionalism, symbolic interactionism, and conflict perspective, at macro and micro levels. From functionalist perspective approach those dynamics are functional for levering contradictions among labor demand and educational supply. And at the same time they are dysfunctional Using the symbolic interactionism perspective we can take a close look at this process. From the conflict perspective the international mobility could be evaluated on the three levels.
Key words: Globalization, International Scientific Mobility, Prearranged Immigration, sociological Approach, functionalism, symbolic interactionism, resocialization, Prearranged mobility, Spontaneous mobility, cultural differences.
Международная мобильность ученых: социологический подход (на примере США)
Кинг (Никитина). А.