НАДЕЖДА В. ПОМАЗКОВА. Симпозиум, посвящённый юбилею Палласа в Чите
Институт природных ресурсов, экологии и криологии СО РАН, Чита, Россия; Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
Symposium commemorating Pallas’ anniversary in Chita
Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology, Siberian Branch of RAS, Chita, Russia; zorgo-chita @mail.ru
This paper is devoted to the symposium held in Chita on October 10-13, 2011 and dedicated to the anniversary of an outstanding scientist of the 18th century – P. S. Pallas (22.09.1741 – 08.09.1811). The symposium “P.S. Pallas and his contribution to the exploration of Russia” included the following themes: 1. The peoples of Russia and the world in P.S. Pallas’ works; 2. Wildlife as seen by P.S. Pallas and in its current state; 3. P.S. Pallas and geological exploration of Russia; 4. Geography in the age of P.S. Pallas and its current state; 5. Bibliography of P.S. Pallas.