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Н.И. ДИДЕНКО, А.Б. ПЕТРОВСКИЙ, Г.В. ЕРЕМИЧЕВА, О.В. МОСКАЛЕВА. Интеграция академической и университетской науки на примере Санкт-Петербурга: социальные технологии
кандидат технических наук, старший научный сотрудник
Санкт-Петербургского научного центра РАН, Санкт-Петербург, Россия
кандидат технических наук, старший научный сотрудник
Санкт-Петербургского научного центра РАН, Санкт-Петербург, Россия
кандидат философских наук, заведующий сектором исследования социальной структуры
Социологического института РАН, Санкт-Петербург, Россия
кандидат биологических наук, советник директора Научной библиотеки
Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета, Санкт-Петербург, Россия
Проанализированы социальные технологии взаимодействия образовательных и научных учреждений в Санкт-Петербурге, учтен опыт других регионов, в том числе стран ЕС. Использованы методы контент-анализа текстовых материалов по данной тематике, анкетный опрос и полуформализованные интервью с экспертами, аспирантами и молодыми учеными непосредственными участниками изучаемого процесса. Проведен анализ динамики публикаций институтов РАН и университетов за последние 15 лет по международным базам данных Web of Science и Scopus. Выявлены разнообразные практики интеграции академической и вузовской науки в Санкт-Петербурге, выходящие и за рамки высшей школы.
Ключевые слова: ученые, академическая наука, университетская наука, университеты, пополнение кадров в науке, опыт Евросоюза, интеграция, глобализация.
Integration of Academic and University Science (case of St Petersburg): Social Technologies
PhD, Senior Researcher of St Petersburg Scientifi c Center RAS,
St Petersburg, Russia
PhD, Senior Researcher of St Petersburg Scientifi c Center RAS,
St Petersburg, Russia
PhD in Sociology, Head of Social Structure Research Department
Sociological Institute RAS
St Petersburg, Russia
PhD in Biology, Advisor of Scientific Library Director of St. Petersburg State University
St Petersburg, Russia
The purpose of this article is the analysis of social technologies of interaction between educational and research institutions in St. Petersburg and consideration of the experience of other regions, including the EU. Authors used different research methods, such as content analysis of texts on the subject, questionnaire and semi-formalized interviews with experts, graduate students and young scientists directly involved in the process of education. Authors show the dynamics of publications of RAS institutes and universities over the past 15 years by using international databases Web of Science and Scopus. A variety of practices of integration academic and university research in St. Petersburg was identified. The earlier younger generation comes into contact with science, the more likely is to attract young people into science.
Keywords: scientists, academic science, university science, universities, recruitment in science, the EU experience, integration, globalization.
А. Э. ЗАЙНУТДИНОВ. Сибирский регионализм Н. М. Ядринцевав контексте глокализации
старший научный сотрудник
Социологического института РАН
Санкт-Петербург, Россия;
e-mail: andreyzayn@yandex.ru
В статье раскрываются социологические взгляды лидера сибирского областничества Н. М. Ядринцева. Регионалистские идеи Ядринцева рассматриваются в контексте теории глокализации и современной регионалистики. В трудах исследователя Сибирь предстает как особый регион России, имеющий собственную идентичность. Ядринцев особое внимание уделял месту Сибири в глобальном цивилизационном процессе, рассматривая ее как место встречи Востока и Запада.
Ключевые слова: областничество, сибирский регионализм, геополитика, сибирская идентичность, глокализация, глобализация, Н. М. Ядринцев, Сибирь, сибиряк.
Siberian regionalism of N. M. Jadrintsev in the context of glocalization
Senior Researcher
Sociological Institute of RAS,
St Petersburg, Russia;
e-mail: andreyzayn@yandex.ru
In the article it is revealed sociological views of leader of Siberian oblastnichestvo (regionalism) N. M. Jadrintsev. His regionalist ideas are explored in the context of glocalization theory and contemporary regionlastic. In his works Siberia appears as special region inside Russia with own identity. Jadrintsev put the special attention to Siberia in global civilizational process as a place of meeting of East and West.
Keywords: Siberian Regionalism, Oblastnichestvo, Geopolitics, Siberian Identity, Glocalization, Globalization, N. M. Jadrintsev, Siberia.
A. KING. The International mobility of Scientists: Sociological Approach (An example of the United States of America)
PhD, Adjunct Professor
at Salt Lake Community College, Utah, the USA
axanaking@yahoo.com aking51@mymail.slcc.edu
This Paper is an attempt to analyze wide spread immigration of scientists from the lenses of three main sociological perspectives: functionalism, symbolic interactionism, and conflict perspective, at macro and micro levels. From functionalist perspective approach those dynamics are functional for levering contradictions among labor demand and educational supply. And at the same time they are dysfunctional Using the symbolic interactionism perspective we can take a close look at this process. From the conflict perspective the international mobility could be evaluated on the three levels.
Key words: Globalization, International Scientific Mobility, Prearranged Immigration, sociological Approach, functionalism, symbolic interactionism, resocialization, Prearranged mobility, Spontaneous mobility, cultural differences.
Международная мобильность ученых: социологический подход (на примере США)
Кинг (Никитина). А.
Leon Miller. Liberalism: The Dichotomy between Economic Liberalism and Political Liberalism’s Effort to Increase Prosperity versus its Ability to Enhance the Global Common Good
instructor of Business Ethics, Intercultural Communications and International Relations at Tallinn University of Technology Tallinn, Estonia, e-mail: leonmonroemiller@yahoo.com
In Japanese a word for economics has two syllables: “Kei” meaning governance that brings about harmony and “Zai” meaning to bring about the well-being of people. The resurgence of efforts to strengthen normative structures for the globally interdependent economic system by means of global governance raises important questions about the principles necessary for establishing the global common good. Efforts to make global regulatory structures more substantial are now being initiated because in the light of repeated financial crisis it is necessary to construct pragmatic economic policy regulations which will provide future stability for the global financial system. We also assume that the intent of a regulatory body will be to outline principles connected with reassuring that the market operates in ways which will not hurt the global public interest. Certainly the principles that inspire global financial regulatory policy must be broad enough to include diverse cultural perspectives reflected in the global community. The assembly of nations comprising a financial governance regime will be made up of diverse states not all of which subscribe to a free market economy. The ethics shaping international regulations must reconcile the various convictions on what are considered to be appropriate motivating factors for human transactions. In this respect normative structures must also prescribe a balance between competiveness, interdependence and the transnational linkages that were thought to be the most promising sources for profit and prosperity in the globalized world. Thus, to ensure that freedom and rights are not jeopardized and that the best interest of the public is assured we must remember that the effectiveness of practice is first and foremost a matter of the adequacy of principles.
Keywords: liberalism, globalization, business ethics, global economy.