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YURI ZAGVAZDIN, NINA ZAGVAZDINA. Integration of Biomedical Scientists from the Former Soviet Union in North America: an inside outlook
PhD, Associate Professor, College of Medical Sciences, Health Professions Division, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida; USA, e-mail: yuri@nova.edu
Graduate Student, Plant Medicine Program, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA
We have examined professional integration of those biomedical scientists from the former Soviet Union who entered the United States and Canada in the 1990’s with temporary visas to conduct research in academic and government research centers. We looked at the retention and promotion of the scientist in academia, transfer to other occupations, migration to other countries, and return home after landing in North America. About two thirds (68 %) of Russian speaking scientists did not change their occupation and continued their employment in academic or government institutions of the host countries. Less than 10 % of researchers left to biomedical companies or moved to Europe or Australia. Some individuals with recent medical diplomas obtained licenses and went to clinical practice (6 % of total). A small fraction, about 3 %, made teaching their primary occupation. Finally, 7 % of researchers returned home. Our study provides a historical outlook that sheds light on the fate of scientists who departed from Russia and other post-soviet countries.
Keywords: Integration, Russian Biomedical Researchers, Employment Based Mobility, United States, Postdoctoral Experience, Academic Career, Foreign-Born Faculty, Diaspora.
Интеграция ученых — специалистов в биомедицинских науках — из стран бывшего Советского Союза в Северной Америке: взгляд изнутри
Загваздин Ю., Загваздина Н.