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Svetlana Dushina, Valentina Lomovitskaya. Distinctive features of academic mobility in today’s Russia
Phd, Institute for the History of Science and Technology named after Sergey I. Vavilov, St Petersburg Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg; Russia, e-mail: sadushina@yandex.ru
Phd, Institute for the History of Science and Technology named after Sergey I. Vavilov, St Petersburg Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg; Russia, e-mail: lomov.vm@mail.ru
The paper investigates practice of international mobility in Russian science. Special attention is paid to the experience of the BRIC group in the field of migration management. Characteristic features of academic mobility, both international and Russian, are brought to light. Significance and prospects of academic mobility are assessed.
Keywords: science, scientific community, intellectual elite, migration processes, management of migration processes.
Душина С. А., Ломовицкая В. М.
Особенности академической мобильности в современной России