Показать содержимое по тегу: liberalism
Leon Miller. Liberalism: The Dichotomy between Economic Liberalism and Political Liberalism’s Effort to Increase Prosperity versus its Ability to Enhance the Global Common Good
instructor of Business Ethics, Intercultural Communications and International Relations at Tallinn University of Technology Tallinn, Estonia, e-mail: leonmonroemiller@yahoo.com
In Japanese a word for economics has two syllables: “Kei” meaning governance that brings about harmony and “Zai” meaning to bring about the well-being of people. The resurgence of efforts to strengthen normative structures for the globally interdependent economic system by means of global governance raises important questions about the principles necessary for establishing the global common good. Efforts to make global regulatory structures more substantial are now being initiated because in the light of repeated financial crisis it is necessary to construct pragmatic economic policy regulations which will provide future stability for the global financial system. We also assume that the intent of a regulatory body will be to outline principles connected with reassuring that the market operates in ways which will not hurt the global public interest. Certainly the principles that inspire global financial regulatory policy must be broad enough to include diverse cultural perspectives reflected in the global community. The assembly of nations comprising a financial governance regime will be made up of diverse states not all of which subscribe to a free market economy. The ethics shaping international regulations must reconcile the various convictions on what are considered to be appropriate motivating factors for human transactions. In this respect normative structures must also prescribe a balance between competiveness, interdependence and the transnational linkages that were thought to be the most promising sources for profit and prosperity in the globalized world. Thus, to ensure that freedom and rights are not jeopardized and that the best interest of the public is assured we must remember that the effectiveness of practice is first and foremost a matter of the adequacy of principles.
Keywords: liberalism, globalization, business ethics, global economy.
DENIS DIAGRE-VANDERPELEN. Pure Science or Practical Science: The Difficult Choice of the Brussels Botanic Garden (1826–1914)
National Botanic Garden of Belgium, Brussels, Belgium; denis.diagre@br.fgov.be
Botanic gardens’ purposes have varied in time and space from their medicinal origins in the Italian universities to the somewhat multi-purpose function they have today. The history of the Brussels Botanic Garden, established as a company in 1826, suggests that it was first fashioned by the then leading-class and its needs: it tended to focus on agricultural and industrial developments as well as selling luxury goods. Later, as a State institution from 1870 until the First World War, the Botanic Garden had to deal not only with the diversification of disciplines and new trends in the sciences, but also with growing democracy alongside the concomitant political and philosophical issues. In such a context dreams of “pure” science, like taxonomy and floristics, had to cope with practical and political issues linked to the growing social demands and the garnering of votes.
Keywords: botanic garden, Belgium, politics, popularization, botanical museum, forestry museum, pisciculture, usefulness, silkworm breeding, arboretum, colonies, horticulture, taxonomy, aquarium, liberalism, Catholicism, mercantilism, experimentation.
Чистая наука или наука практическая: трудный выбор Брюссельского ботанического сада (1826–1914)
Национальный ботанический сад Бельгии, Брюссель, Бельгия; denis.diagre@br.fgov.be
Цели ботанических садов менялись во времени и пространстве: от их предшественников — аптекарских огородов в итальянских университетах до современных многоцелевых учреждений. История Брюссельского ботанического сада, созданного в 1826 г. в качестве частной компании, показывает, что первоначально его цели определялись правящей элитой и её потребностями: сад должен был сосредоточиться на сельскохозяйственном и промышленном развитии страны... и на продаже предметов роскоши. Позже, став в 1870 г. государственным учреждением, и до Первой мировой войны, Ботаническому саду приходилось иметь дело не только с диверсификацией дисциплин и новых тенденций в науке, но и с ростом влияния общественного мнения. В таком контексте мечтам о «чистых» исследованиях (в области систематики или флористики) приходилось сталкиваться с практическими и политическими вопросами, связанными с растущим общественными требованиями и решениями избирателей.