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Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies

School Of International Studies

Jawaharlal Nehru University

New Delhi

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K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research,

Vidya Nagar, Vidya Vihar (E) Mumbai

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The future of Russia and the world is intertwined with the growth and development of Siberia. Banking on the resource strengths, the region if developed optimally could help in solving energy problem of the world. The region possesses close geographical proximity to the economically and strategically important countries. Siberias locational strengths are being developed as a transport and trade corridor through various projects. Ambitious energy and infrastructure projects cannot be properly implemented without scientists and technical specialists who are aware of the regional peculiarities. Developing human capital of the region would require a long- term focus to integrate the region as a scientific hub of Russia and the world instead of a mere resource appendage.


Key words: Knowledge economy, Siberia’s Scientific and Technological Resources, Policy Implications, the educational and professional potential of Siberia, Russian Academy of Science, The science capital of Siberia, Akademgorodok.



Новая парадигма научно-технологических источников Сибири

Дж. Кханна, Я. Кханна

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Centre for Russian and Central Asian Studies

School Of International Studies

Jawaharlal Nehru University

New Delhi

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K. J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research,

Vidya Nagar, Vidya Vihar (E) Mumbai

e-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript


The future of Russia and the world is intertwined with the growth and development of Siberia. Banking on the resource strengths, the region if developed optimally could help in solving energy problem of the world. The region possesses close geographical proximity to the economically and strategically important countries. Siberias locational strengths are being developed as a transport and trade corridor through various projects. Ambitious energy and infrastructure projects cannot be properly implemented without scientists and technical specialists who are aware of the regional peculiarities. Developing human capital of the region would require a long-term focus to integrate the region as a scientific hub of Russia and the world instead of a mere resource appendage.


Key words: Knowledge economy, Siberia’s Scientific and Technological Resources, Policy Implications, the educational and professional potential of Siberia, Russian Academy of Science, The science capital of Siberia, Akademgorodok.

New Paradigm of Siberias Scientific and Technological Resources


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