Показать содержимое по тегу: Modernization of S&T
BINAY KUMAR PATTNAIK. Science, Technology & Social Stratification in India: A Critical Perspective
Professor of Sociology, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur, India, e-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
One of the most profound sociological problems that S&T in India face today is that of the role of S&T in relation to social inequalities. The paper analyzes (at macro level) the role of S&T particularly in relation to the system of social stratification and other forms of social inequalities both within and outside the system of S&T in India. As a socio-historical analysis based on secondary data and findings the paper articulates a few original formulations on the role of S&T in (post independent) India in the contexts of major trend developments (in different decades) like: (i) Modernization of S&T, (ii) Green Revolution induced by technology intensive agriculture, (iii) Development as triage benefiting, selective sections of the society, and (iv) the ICT revolution in India during the last two decades. This is essentially a critical non-western view, i. e. a view of the periphery from the periphery itself.
Keywords: S&T induced inequalities, Class formation, Modernization of S&T, Artificial elitism, Emergence of big S&T, Development as triage, Green revolution, ICT revolution, Cyber coolie, Techno coolie.
Наука, технология и социальная стратификация в Индии: критические перспективы
Паттнаик Бинай К.
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur