Lina Wang. Debate on Work Guideline of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1981–1983
Researcher, Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beij ing, China, e-mail:
“Focusing on fundamental research and improvement, and serving for national economy and defense construction” was formally put forward by the Chinese Academy of Sciences as work guideline in 1981. Soon it was questioned by central leaders of China. And it brought about a debate on whether the work guideline of the Chinese Academy of Sciences needed to modify. The paper tries to hackle the specific process of the controversy and explore its significance.
Keywords: Chinese Academy of Sciences; work guideline; debate; fundamental research; applied research.
Jinhai Guo. Selection and Transformation under the Influence of the Soviet Union: Formulation of the Regulations on Postgraduate Cultivation by Chinese Academy of Sciences in Its Early Stage
Associate Professor, Institute for the History of Natural Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, e-mail:
In 1953, due to needs of self-development and national construction, in view of experiences of Soviet Academy of Sciences, the Party Leadership Group of Chinese Academy of Sciences decided to take the cultivation of scientific cadres as one of the central tasks and the cultivation of postgraduates as one of the focal points, following which the formulation of Interim Regulations on Postgraduate Cultivation by Chinese Academy of Sciences (hereinafter referred to as Regulations) was carried out. The Regulations was formulated in 1955 and issued in August, 1955. Its contents were obviously edified by the Soviet policies and systems for cultivating scientific cadres; however, to formulate regulations on postgraduate cultivation applicable for China’s actual conditions, Chinese Academy of Sciences didn’t indiscriminately imitate them, but made discreet screening and modification, with the absorption of many comments and suggestions from inside and outside of the Academy. The formulation of the Regulations laid momentous systematic foundation for Chinese Academy of Sciences to rapidly play an important role in China’s postgraduate education in the next ten years since then. The Regulations also provided reference basis for China’s institutions of higher learning to accumulate experiences on postgraduate education, and thus facilitated the development of postgraduate education towards the normalized direction.
Keywords: Chinese Academy of Sciences; Soviet Academy of Sciences; scientific cadres; postgraduate cultivation system; licentiate.