Показать содержимое по тегу: Children Science Congress
BRINDER KUMAR TYAGI. Communicating Science through Children’s Science Congress: The biggest experiment on informal science education in India
Principal Scientifi c Offi cer, Scientist-D
Vigyan Prasar
(An Autonomous organization under Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India),
Sector 62, NOIDA (Uttar Pradesh), India-201307
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The importance of engaging people at large with S&T is now well appreciated at the policy and implementation level in India. As per the pronouncements in the last S&T Policy of 2003 of Govt of India, a number of government agencies and voluntary organizations have come forward to take up the task of science popularization in general and complementing the formal science education through non-formal mode. The Children’s Science Congress (CSC) is one of such non-formal science education programme, which has established itself not only as permanent activity in many schools, but, also assumed the status of a unique programme in the field of science communication and popularization. It has already taken the shape of a small movement proportion in India. This paper is an attempt to highlight the genesis, philosophy and the implementing method ofthe National Children’s Science Congress (NCSC) in India.
Keywords: Children Science Congress, Science Popularization, Method of Science, Informal Science Education, Child-Scientists.